Thursday, March 14, 2013

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
Published by Speak; March 8, 2004
Paperback, 345 pages
Borrowed from library

When it comes to relationships, Remy doesn't mess around. After all, she's learned all there is to know from her mother, who's currently working on husband number five. But there's something about Dexter that seems to defy all of Remy's rules. He certainly doesn't seem like Mr. Right. For some reason, however, Remy just can't seem to shake him. Could it be that Remy's starting to understand what those love songs are all about?

- Description from

I'll be honest with you - as I find that's always the best way to start - I wasn't psyched about this book after reading the synopsis. It didn't sound special in any way, or unique. It didn't sound as if it had any stand-out characteristic, one that would make me reminisce about my wonderful experience reading my third Sarah Dessen. Can I just say that I was SO wrong? There were so many things in This Lullaby that warmed my heart. 

First, I loved Remy. Yes, she's a cynic, annoyingly anal, and totally doesn't believe in love at all, even when it's right in front of her. I wanted to hit her so bad because she can be so thick and stubborn sometimes. Even so, Remy was a gem to read about. There were so many layers to her, and it was a treat to get to know her better. 

Next, Remy's friends were awesome, okay? They were a quirky bunch and they definitely didn't get along well all the time, but I adored the rock-solid bond they had. You just know that if something were to happen to one of them, everyone else would be by their side in a flash. This type of friendship is what I search for and yearn for. 

Thirdly, Truth Squad, the band. I know, they have a crap name but I loved them so much. I really wish I could get to know each one of them. For instance, Ted the guitarist. He was a jerk most of the scenes he was in, but there's something about that pessimism that intrigued me. Lucas is not a character that sticks in my mind very well, but John Miller, oh yes! His red hair and his craziness! He's a wonderful sidekick to Dexter, and together, I would say, they balance out the pessimism brought to the book by Remy and Ted.

Finally, Dexter. You didn't seriously think I'd write a review on a Sarah Dessen without talking about the guy, did you? I loved him. Adored him. Because really, who wouldn't? There's just something about such an optimistic character or person that gets to even the most pessimistic of people (not including Ted, he's the exception). He's hilarious, goofy, yet serious when it comes to his feelings. He's lovable and is a breath of fresh air after a slew of sad, troubled characters. On a sidenote, is it just me or does Dexter kind of remind me of Andrew Garfield? 

I've been noticing this lately, but my reviews generally consist of my thoughts on the characters. This can only mean but one thing: good books = good characters. If a book has good characters, then chances are that I'd like the characters so much that I'd be able to look over the plot. A little bit. And let me tell you that the plot to This Lullaby was just as good and delightful as the characters were. I wasn't bored and it wasn't dull. It didn't feel monotonous, but it wasn't action packed either. It felt exactly as the Remy/Dexter relationship felt: casual, relaxed, addictive. You really can't get enough and don't you just want to continue flipping the pages? 

This Lullaby was a superb book and I can't wait to read the other Sarah Dessens. Hopefully, they're as good as this one!

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