Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Things That Make My Life As A Blogger & Reader Easier/Better

Guys, I'm back! I haven't a Top Ten Tuesday in soo long and it feels great to be part of the daily influx of Top Ten Tuesday posts again. I've been wanting to do one for a while but honestly, haven't been feeling the topics. But as soon as I saw this on the schedule for Top Ten Tuesdays, I knew I would be participating! So gather around as I list the ten things that make my bloggy/bookish life MUCH easier.

1. Disqus
So it's a little slow to load but you don't understand how big of a help Disqus is. It has built-in filters which means I can moderate comments without having to manually approve them. And as a reader of blogs, THANK YOU for sending me emails when bloggers reply. I'm very bad with checking for replies which makes me feel super guilty. Tell me I'm not alone?

2. Bloglovin'
Now, my relationship with Bloglovin' is pretty tumultuous. I hate it and love it at the same time. It's great at organizing my blogs and I love how I can like posts in case I want to go back to them later. However, it sucks at keeping my feed updated and accounting for ALL blog posts. And because of this, I'm thinking of switching to Feedly. But for now, Bloglovin' is a great help.

3. Goodreads
Beneficial to both the blogger and the reader in me. I love that I can create a TBR list without exerting a lot of energy. And what would I do if Goodreads wasn't there to supply me blurbs for books? I would cry if I had to type out the ones from the books.

4. PicMonkey/Pixlr
I've only recently discovered Pixlr but PicMonkey has been helping me with graphics for my blog for ages. I love that it has cute overlays I can add to jazz up my graphics. It's the first program I open when I need new graphics. If, by the end of the PicMonkey session, I need to do more advanced editing, I run straight to Pixlr. It's amazing and I love it to bits even though it was a nightmare figuring things out at first. But honestly, without these two, my blog would be incredibly bland.

5. The library
No words are needed for this. Self-explanatory for every book lover and blogger alike.

6. My Kobo
I never knew I would love an eReader so much until I got one. I treat this like my baby and even though mine is a first edition and NOWHERE as good as the Kobos now, I love it to bits. Also, those awards they hand out are pretty darn cool.

7. Twitter
I didn't get why bloggers used Twitter so religiously at first but now, I get it. It's a great way to get your posts out there and also, meeting new bloggers. I love everyone on this site, okay? And I wish I could be best friends with all y'all. 

8. OneNote
I've never been great with scheduling but with OneNote by my side, I want to schedule and be as efficient as all the other bloggers. There are still some things I need to figure out before my blog becomes a well-oiled machine churning out posts right on time but I'm almost there. Just need a little more time is all. But besides loving OneNote for its great scheduling potential, I love that I can stash my post ideas and drafts all in one place. And that auto-save? Man, we need to have that for EVERYTHING.

9. Book blogs
Book blogs are the best. Really. Without all of the amazing blogs out there, none of this would have ever happened. So THANK YOU. I love you all.


  1. Yes yes yes! I pretty much agree with every thing on here. I'm not a fan of Bloglovin', but used it at first as well. (And really, it would be perfect if they could just stop having issues updating feeds!) And I don't yet have an e-reader (but hope to get one soon)! Everything else? YES! Especially that auto-save on OneNote. Lifesaver!

  2. Awesome list! I love Twitter. I definitely think that it's a great networking tool. Ever since I joined I feel like I've been involved in the blogging community much more!

  3. I LOVE DISQUS and am so happy to have it in my life. I still have some people that tell me that they "get confused" about how to leave a comment, but I don't know how that could be! It's a thousand times better than what Blogger offers and, like you, I couldn't survive without those emails telling me about the replies!

  4. totally agree with these! I just started using bloglovin myself and am really liking it! i hadn't heard of Pixlr, i'll have to check that one out.

  5. Pixlr was a little confusing to figure out at first but it's worth a shot! It's wonderful when it comes to editing! :)

  6. Yeah, I never understood what's so hard about leaving a comment with Disqus. I don't even think you need to have an account, just use your Twitter and you're done! How's that for handy?

    I actually jump with joy every time I see another blogger uses Disqus because that means I won't have to bother with going the extra length checking for a reply. Yipee!

  7. I love Twitter too! It was a bit uncomfortable to use at first but I'm really liking it now! And after joining Twitter, I've felt like you're really only seeing one side of the blogosphere if you're only reading the blogs. There's a whole other world with Twitter. It's like the Oscars after-party!

  8. I SO wish that Bloglovin could fix the problem they have with their feeds but we can't have everything right?

    You should get an e-reader! It's super handy to bring with you and even though it may not beat a physical book, it's really wonderful.

    And yay for OneNote! After seeing how you scheduled things with your notebook, I changed the layout of mine and it's working SO much better. So thank you! :)

  9. YES!!! You SO get it!

    One of the reasons I was sold on DISQUS was that it seemed so much simpler to sign in! When people started telling me how difficult was I was truly baffled!

  10. YES, where would all of us be without Goodreads? It's like a book lover's google haha.

    Twitter is absolutely amazing, it makes the book blogging community grow so much closer :)

  11. 'Book lover's google' That is the perfect way to describe Goodreads.

    And yeah, Twitter is totally amazing! :)
