Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dear Future Annie, Present Annie Has Some Suggestions For You

Dear Future Annie,

You might be surprised to receive this letter but Present Annie has participated in something called "Book Blogger Love-a-Thon" where you love book bloggers and their blogs. Mini Challenge #4 was to write a letter to yourself, and since I thought it'd be more fun to write a letter to you, instead of Past Annie, here I am typing this all out.

I'm sure you'll be an intelligent, wiser teenager a year from now and I'm sure you'll use that to your benefit when improving your blog. For example, perhaps you could learn how to HTML? So you can make your own awesome blog background? And also, maybe you should rethink the names of some of your features and make some graphics for them as well? While you're making things, why don't I just add BLOG BUTTON to that list? It would be nice and handy to have.

You could refine your reviews a bit. I think Present Annie uses "definitely", "awesome", and "amazing" too often. Think outside of the box, and be more creative! Fun! And write more. At least, thrice a week. Maybe think of starting a blogging schedule? So you can juggle memes and discussions and reviews? Also, perhaps you should link up twitter with your blog? And go back to Pinterest, it's better for you. Ditch Wanelo, you're not going to have money to buy anything on there anyway.

Comment more. Comments are what make the blog-o-sphere go round! Without it, everyone would just be a sad mess. Face it, that's the truth. I love comments, and I bet you do too. Never commit to something you can't do. For instance, 150 books in a year. Do I not have a life? Yes, I love books but not THAT much. You shouldn't make reading your first priority. Social life, school, family, and a healthy lifestyle always come first.

Be happy, meditate and be considerate. Be considerate of your words, of your life, of your body, of the world, of the people around you. Stay true to yourself and don't hide who you truly are. It'll do you good in the long run. And stop bugging people about books they'll never read. A habit you have to break.

Anyway, you are AWESOME and I am excited to see how things go for you.

Love, Present Annie xxx


  1. This was such a great letter! I think you have some pretty spectacular goals!
    P.s. you can never use definitely, awesome, and amazing too much ;)

    1. Haha, thank you! I am relieved because I wouldn't know how else to describe a book without them! :) Thanks for commenting!

  2. You are already an intelligent, wise teenager! What a wonderful letter. I have a hard time not using amazing, awesome and the like in my reviews and I'm, oh, twice your age! :-) Keep you the good are going to go far!


    1. I know! It's a tough job finding words to sub for amazing and awesome...when they're both so amazing and awesome! Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot! :)

  3. Great letter! I use definitely, awesome, and amazing all the time too haha.

    1. How can you not??? And thank you so much for stopping by! :)
